Sunday, 17 May 2009


Sikerült bekereteztetnem,íme a végeredmény:

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Hungarian Sampler Kész!

Egy kicsit megkésve,de sikerült befejeznem a képet.A végeredmény nagyon tetszik!Ezúton is köszönöm a mintát és ,hogy együtt hímezhettem Veletek!

Monday, 12 January 2009

The all of you who were completed A Happy New Year!

I enjoyed it heartily and was able to keep sewing it since I participated in this plan.

Thank you very much heartily.

Monday, 5 January 2009


Hello ,
My sampler SAL was completed!!

I enjoyed this Hungarian sampler SAL,
and very very happy.

I send a completion image,
also the zoom up image of 4 - 5 part and 6 - 7 part.

In addition, let me participate if there is next SAL :-)
Thank you very much.

A Happy New Year!!

From Japan wanwan