Tuesday, 30 December 2008


I also finished my Hungarian Sampler. Just did the last stitch on it. I am so happy now and I really love the way it looks like. I can't wait to go and buy a nice frame and hang it up on my living room walls. Thank you so much for this wonderful SAL. I enjoyed stitching it very much.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Part 6 is ready

Align Center Just before I started stitching this part, my sweetheart told me that in Finland we have a saying with the exact same meaning of this one. But in case that I stitched the alphabet already the Hungarian way, I'll stick to the Hungarian version.

Friday, 19 December 2008

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

5th part is finally finished

Here is the 5th part of my sampler. Can't wait to start the next one.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Finished SAL!!!! YEAH!!

Thank you so much!!!! Just finished my SAL!! It has been quite a treat! As I changed the saying to one my Mother use to say all the time, I also had to change some of the pattern... Hope you like it!
Happy Holidays to all!

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Eva, USA

I finished the last stitches on this sampler today, and am so pleased with the results.
Thank you so much for making these charts available!

Monday, 3 November 2008

Eva, USA

I finished part 6 this afternoon, and now only have one more part to go! Almost finished!

Sabine, Evchen

Sabine's group with the german variant is busy, too. / Sabine német csapata is szorgalmasan dolgozik.
Two works are ready. / Ketten már készen is vannak.


I finished part 4.
It looks forward to next time.

Eva, USA

Here is my sampler with part 5 completed. Only 2 more parts to go!!!

Monday, 27 October 2008

Hi ,
I completed the Hungarian Sampler. I enjoyed stitching every bit of this sampler very much. It is a beautiful project. I chose to use the Hungarian text in the sampler as I wanted the sampler to be fully Hungarian like its caption. But I would love to know the meaning of it in English. Could somebody help me? Thanks.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Elkészültem én is a hímzés részével, de még nem vagyok készen, mivel én is táskát szeretnék belőle varrni, mint Symiote. Mutatom, ha elkészül, addig is köszönöm, hogy együtt varrhattam veletek!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Mon Hungarian Sampler transformé

Le voici transformé en pochette! Merci pour cette belle aventure!

Friday, 3 October 2008


Elkészültem az utolsó résszel is.
Nagyon köszönöm a lehetőséget Nektek, hogy résztvehettem ebben a csapatban.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008



je viens de terminer ma broderie ....
un tout grand merci pour cette organisation

A bientôt,


Thursday, 25 September 2008

Completely Finished

Now only it need to frame.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Hungarian Sampler - Part 3 completed


I started a bit late but managed to complete upto part 3. I hope to complete this soon. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this.


Thursday, 18 September 2008

Eva, USA

Good evening!

I was finally able to get back to this piece and stitched part 4 last weekend with some minor changes to the chart. I wanted a bit more blue in this section, you will see the changes I made by looking at the attachment. I hope to get back to it and stitch part 5 soon.


Tuesday, 9 September 2008

This Is My Finish

I finished the stitching on my sampler last night, and I sewed on the last sequin tonight. Thank you so much for giving us this beautiful sampler to stitch. I enjoyed it very much! Soon I hope to stitch your little birds too. I still have to get my sampler framed, but I wanted to show it to you.

Monday, 1 September 2008

My finish !

I really stitched my Hungarian Sampler, even if I very often had the visit of my friend "the Frog" and had to rip-it !

6th part


7th part


And it's done !




I'll be back on Septembre 15th.

Saturday, 30 August 2008


My Hungarian Sampler is completed!

This is my first SAL project, and I never thought I can finish it in such a short period. It's nice to start it. Thanks again for providing such a beautiful design, I really enjoyed myself to join it.

Anya from Taiwan

Wednesday, 27 August 2008



Today I framed the Hongarian SAL.

Now it is completh.

Greetings from Marion

Monday, 25 August 2008

Finished!!!! Hungarian Sampler

7th part finished ....

Entire Sampler ....

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Marion 7

The last part of the Hungarian SAL is finished.
When it’s framed I send you a new picture.
Many greetings from Marion.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Parties 5 and 6 Finished

The phrase is in my language.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Parts 5 and 6

Quand j'ai terminé, j'ai vu que j'avais fait des erreurs dans la partie 5! je ne voulais pas tout défaire ; donc j'ai modifié un peu cette partie en ajoutant une frise à droite!

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Part 4,5 finished.

HELLO! I'm snowy in Japan.

I have just finished Part 4,5

Friday, 15 August 2008

Last part - Utolsó rész

Two colors variations / két színű változatThree colors variations / három színű változatFour colors variations / négy színű változatAll the jpg files compressed / A képek tömörítve:
DOWNLOAD Part 7 jpg
All in wxs / Minden wxs-ben:
DOWNLOAD Part 7 wxs

Have a nice weekend! / Jó hétvégét!

Anya 5-6

I am glad that I finally completed the part 5 and 6 in time, and looking forward to stitching the next part soon.
Happy Stitching
Anya from Taiwan

Saturday, 9 August 2008


Here is my finished 4th part of the Sampler. Can' t wait to start the next one.

Greetings from Finand,

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Eva 3

Good morning. I have just finished Part 3, and thought I would show you my progress. I am looking forward to stitching the next part soon.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Finished 6th part!!

Here the finished part ...

Here a view of all sampler ....

Annika 6

Part 6 finished. I decided to make the letters all red. The sampler is really beautiful.
Regards Annika

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

Köszönjük KerGiznek a jelölést! (morcs és Éva) Bár egy kicsit kakukktojás a blogunk.

A mi jelöltjeink:
Ralina, kreativanyu, LilangKrea, Ancsa, Zsuzsa

A szabályok:

1. Kiteszem a logót a blogomra.
2. Belinkelem azt a személyt, akitől kaptam.
3. Megnevezek 5 blogot.
4. Belinkelem a blogokat.
5. Majd üzenetet hagyok náluk erről a tettemről.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Birds - Madarak

Katieface asked me to make the pattern of my birds. Here you are.
Please send us a picture of your work.
Have a nice day

Katieface kérte a madaraim mintáját. Megcsináltam.
Kérlek, küldj képet a munkádról.
Szép napot


This is how the 3rd part of my sampler looks like now

Greetings from Finland,

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Anya 4

I just completed the part 4, quicker than I expected.
It seems I might be able to catch up the chart release schedule sooner or later.

Happy Stitching,
Anya from Taiwan

Sabine 5-6

Yesterday I've finished part five and six. It is a real pleasure to stitch that sampler.
Greetings from Germany