I also finished my Hungarian Sampler. Just did the last stitch on it. I am so happy now and I really love the way it looks like. I can't wait to go and buy a nice frame and hang it up on my living room walls. Thank you so much for this wonderful SAL. I enjoyed stitching it very much.
Just before I started stitching this part, my sweetheart told me that in Finland we have a saying with the exact same meaning of this one. But in case that I stitched the alphabet already the Hungarian way, I'll stick to the Hungarian version.
Thank you so much!!!! Just finished my SAL!! It has been quite a treat! As I changed the saying to one my Mother use to say all the time, I also had to change some of the pattern... Hope you like it! FrenchieAnne Happy Holidays to all!
Sabine's group with the german variant is busy, too. / Sabine német csapata is szorgalmasan dolgozik. Two works are ready. / Ketten már készen is vannak. Sabine:EvchenCongratulations!
Here is my sampler with part 5 completed. Only 2 more parts to go!!!
Monday, 27 October 2008
Hi , I completed the Hungarian Sampler. I enjoyed stitching every bit of this sampler very much. It is a beautiful project. I chose to use the Hungarian text in the sampler as I wanted the sampler to be fully Hungarian like its caption. But I would love to know the meaning of it in English. Could somebody help me? Thanks. -Viji
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Sziasztok Elkészültem én is a hímzés részével, de még nem vagyok készen, mivel én is táskát szeretnék belőle varrni, mint Symiote. Mutatom, ha elkészül, addig is köszönöm, hogy együtt varrhattam veletek!
I was finally able to get back to this piece and stitched part 4 last weekend with some minor changes to the chart. I wanted a bit more blue in this section, you will see the changes I made by looking at the attachment. I hope to get back to it and stitch part 5 soon.
I finished the stitching on my sampler last night, and I sewed on the last sequin tonight. Thank you so much for giving us this beautiful sampler to stitch. I enjoyed it very much! Soon I hope to stitch your little birds too. I still have to get my sampler framed, but I wanted to show it to you.
This is my first SAL project, and I never thought I can finish it in such a short period. It's nice to start it. Thanks again for providing such a beautiful design, I really enjoyed myself to join it.
Quand j'ai terminé, j'ai vu que j'avais fait des erreurs dans la partie 5! je ne voulais pas tout défaire ; donc j'ai modifié un peu cette partie en ajoutant une frise à droite!
Two colors variations / két színű változatThree colors variations / három színű változatFour colors variations / négy színű változatAll the jpg files compressed / A képek tömörítve: DOWNLOAD Part 7 jpg All in wxs / Minden wxs-ben: DOWNLOAD Part 7 wxs
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