Saturday, 31 May 2008

Fourth Part!!

As i decided to stitch at the top of the pattern all the same leaves, i have some 3 cross more; that 's why i write " sampler" on the right.

This sampler is greatand i am waiting for the fifth part ! Thanks Eva!

Friday, 30 May 2008

Parts 1, 2 and 3

This is the first picture I've posted. I can't wait to get started on part 4.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Harmadik Resz / Part Three

Here is part three.... itt van a harmadik resz...

Tuesday, 27 May 2008


I´ve finished part one and am very proud. I enjoyed sewing it very much and have started on part two. When finished I saw I´d made a mistake but chosed to take a picture and send it before correction.
Regard Annika from Sweden

Monday, 26 May 2008

4 part - finished!!!

Finally finished the fourth part !!! :-)

Hungarian Sampler Sal 4.-csicsóné

Befejeztem a negyedik részt:

4. rész készen

Rég jártam erre, utoljára az 1. részt mutattam. Azóta sem lustálkodtam, hímeztem szorgalmasan, és elkészültem már a 4. résszel is.


This is the photo complet of my stitch. I´m very happy!


Saturday, 24 May 2008

I'm late but I made it / Kesve de ide ertem

I've finished off parts one and two, and I'm working on 3 as we speak... I'm using DMC 310 and DMC 815 on an unknown 28ct fabric

Befejeztem az elso ket reszt, es a harmadikon mar dolgozgatok... DMC 310 es DMC 815 szinu fonalat hasznalok egy ismeretlen 28-as anyagon

Friday, 23 May 2008

3. rész / 3. part

Befejeztem a harmadik részt.
I finished the third part.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Part 4 - Correction / 4. rész javítva

There was a little mistake in the pattern, Mari corrected it.
Maybe you can print the pattern better from a .jpg file:
Two colors variation / két színű változat
Three colors variation / három színű változat
Four colors variation / négy színű változat
All the jpg files compressed / A képek tömörítve
DOWNLOAD Part 4 jpg
All in wxs / Minden wxs-ben
DOWNLOAD Part 4 wxs
If you have troubles with printing, I'll try something else.


Hungarian Sampler Sal 3.- csicsóné

Elkészültem a harmadik résszel(igyekszem a negyedikkel is):

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Végre elkészültem a 2. résszel. Vennem kellett hozzá fonalakat...
Finally I have finished the second part. I had buy more floss...

Monday, 19 May 2008

Finished third part!!!!

Finally I finished third part!!! :-)

And here is my fourth part .... rest only half of this part .... :-)

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Needing help downloading

While I am able to look at the printed charts I (and it seems a number of other Americans) are unable to print them off as a chart. I downloaded Easy Stitch but have no idea what to do now. I think that I (we) need to get them as .jpg charts and not the format they are in. For some reason, however, Part 2 printed perfectly with the grid lines, etc.
I am eager to stitch this chart for my son, who spent a year living in Aijka where he taught English as a second language. Hungary is such a wonderful country!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
sue in fl (sue terry)

^^^^ FINALLY! ^^^ -paruscircle

heres my part 3


I finished, last evening, the 3rd part. It's always very pleasant to stitch it. I love the star and the deer.
I printed the 4th part : it seems to be also great !
Sylviane from Belgium

Saturday, 17 May 2008


Gratulalok Marion-nak a gyors es szep munkajahoz! Tegnap vegre befejeztem a harmadik reszt, es elkezdtem a negyediket, remelem hamarosan be tudom fejezni.

Congratulation for Marion her quick and nice work! Yesterday finally I had finish the third part and began the fourth, I hope I can finish soon.

Friday, 16 May 2008



I send you a picture of part 4 of the Hungarian SAL.
By, by, until the nex time.

Many greetings from Marion

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Fourth part / Negyedik részlet

We have corrected the pattern, please go to
HERE to download the new one.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008


My third part is ready, too, but I have to stitch the hidden part again. / Én is elkészültem a harmadik résszel, de a másodikban még bontanom kell. :(


Hi, Thank you for join me for your SAL!

I completed Part 2 and Part 3.
Though much progress was not fast part2, but enjoy stitching the cute deer of Part 3.

I look forward to the next part 4 exhibition.

Monday, 12 May 2008


I´m very happy with this SAL!! It´s precious!!
I see all our photo and they´re fantastic. I´m enchanted to participate in this proyect.


Sunday, 11 May 2008

Nekem is sikerült elkészülnöm, íme!


I love to stitch this part. The star is wonderful, and the deer is very important for hungarian people.
It's a mythic symbol of a Hun origin-legend taking place in the 7-8 century A.D. when the ancestors of Hungarians migrated from their early home (Magna Hungaria) in north-east Europe, on the slope of the Ural mountain, toward south. During their wandering they reached Leved, extending beside the lake, called Azovi see today. The proto-Magyar "Magor" pursued together with his brother, "Hunor" a hind which lead them to south-west, towards Europe. In chasing the red deer they found their women and founded the Magyar and Hun clans. By following the path, shown by the wonder-deer, the descendents of "Magor" have been lead to the land of Pannonia where the Hungarian state came into existence.
You can read this legend in a ballad of Arany János The Legend of the Wondrous Hunt

Friday, 9 May 2008

Hello Mindenkinek/Hi Everybody!

Vegre sikerult befejeznem az 1. es 2. reszt, egyre jobban tetszik ez a munka. Gyakran nezegetem a tobbiek munkajarol keszult kepeket, mindegyik gyonyoru!

Finally I have finished the first and second part, I like this project more and more. I have seen the pictures from yours samplers, all of them are beautiful!

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Finished 2nd part and almost finished 3th part!!

But I had a little problem .... I had buy more floss ....

but ... the same number and other tom of purple ...

so I decide stitch mix the 2 tons ....

Monday, 5 May 2008

Magdi - Fóka

Én is elkészültem az első résszel már a múlt héten.
Jövő hétre befejezem a 2. részt is.

I'm ready with part 1. I will finish part 2. next week

Üdv : Magdi - Fóka


My name is Mika. I am Japanese. I just started stitching. I like it so much. I'm stitching with DMC #312 #799 #BLANC #157.
Besides, my favorite thing is to bake bread and to make the dress and the bag,
Please look at my blog:

Friday, 2 May 2008

Finished the third part.