Thursday, 5 June 2008

Part 4 in the making...

Started part 4 with the assigned colors
but felt that there was too much red...
so I am changing it and adding more of
the variegated blue/green. May have to
change the line of blue to red though as
it blends too much in the background...
Really enjoying this one! THANKS again!



Odette said...

Hola Maria Elena, muchas gracias por visitarme, yo tambien hare lo mismo, y te felicito por tus bordados, se nota que eres una mujer perseverante y debes tener seguramente mucha paciencia, porque veo que para el trabajo que realizas se necesita mucha dedicacion.
Un abrazote , cariños Odette

Anonymous said...

Love your changes .... Mine I started monochrome ...but when I bought more floss ... the same number and other purple ... so now mine have 4 shades of purple ... can you believe that!!
I can´t waiting for finish and see all finished too!!