Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Found this - Ezt találtam

I was surfing on the net and I've found a nice work in a japanese blog - here
Maybe she has troubles with the english or the hungarian language. :)
It's the first red-blue version.

Thank you Poppy, please post us a picture (bigger if possible) when you stitch the other parts.

Nézzétek mit találtam egy japán blogban! Ez az első képünk a piros-kék változatról hímezve.

Saturday, 23 February 2008

I start today

My name´s Beatriz, and I live in Spain.
I´m stitching on 25 ct Lugana (Zweigart) Wedgewood Blue with 310 and 321 DMC floss.
Thanks for accepting in your SAL.
Today I´ll begin to embroder it, already I´m with many desire. In all that I ends the first part, I do a photo and teach it to you.
Sorry for my English, is very poor.

Friday, 22 February 2008

Kék Sampler / Sampler in blue

Elkészült az 1. rész. Hubert vászonra hímeztem, a következő Vénus fonalakkal: 2415, 2423, 2422, 2450 .

I stitched the part one. I made it on Hubert linen with Venus floss in 2415 (DMC 824), 2423 (DMC 799), 2422 (DMC 809), 2450 (DMC 3325).

Sorry for my mistake but I didn't use this language for 4 years.

Éva! A blogom most van kialakulóban, a címe:

Donna! I used a hoop! Can I help you?

Szép hétvégét! / Happy weekend!


Thursday, 21 February 2008

Quick question

Hello to all. I am from the United States and found this blog through one of my cross stitch sites. I have decided to get the supplies I need to do it this weekend. My question is this - can any fabric or color be used? I noticed that a lot of the pictures use pretty much the same colors, but can I go another route? Just curious. Love the sampler and look forward to posting and getting to see everyone's work. Take care.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Phrase - Szólás

Sabine asked and I should write about it earlier:
What's the meaning of the words in the sampler? Would it be possible to get an english translation and stitch that instead of the hungarian words?
The hungarian phrase "Minden kezdet nehéz" says "All beginning is hard". I guess there is no similar phrase in english. But please suggest sentences instead of this. (Or if we don't find a common solution you may stitch what you want.)

Sabine megkérdezte, hogy mit jelenenek a magyar szavak. Kértem, hogy küldjenek javaslatot helyette.

My first part

Hi ! I'm Catherine L. in France and immediately decided to stich this fabulous project when I discovered the link on an American forum. I chose the bicolor version (DMC 3721 and DMC 310) on a 28 ct aïda fabric which was a great pleasure since I nearly stich on linen only now.
I'm now impatient to discover the second part middle of March. But I have so many projects that time will fly very fast.
Thanks to you Mari and Eva ! Y

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Just started

Hi! I'm Donna in Jerusalem.

I just started the sampler today. I'm using scavenged 22 count fabric and DMC floss in 796 and815. I'll try to take a picture tomorrow. I was so happy to actually start work after playing around with colors-- and then using none of my combinations. I've wanted to do a sampler for a long time and I LOVE this one. Thanks so much.

I'm using a hoop for the first time in adult memory and trying to decide whether or not to switch to a scroll frame. So far I am enjoying it being so compact but am worried about it damaging the stitching. Does anyone have any good tips on working with hoops?

We also had snow. I managed to take a few pictures before it melted so at least I'll have memories.


meter (m) - yard converter

I am snowy from japan.

I had the first today.

I can keep passing through use cloth 36 linen,

DMC 310,321.

Thank you for a pleasant plan!

Monday, 18 February 2008

First finish

Marion finished part 1 at first. Congratulation, it is very nice!

I am Marion from Holland.
I stitched the first part of the hungarian sampler.
I made it on 35 count linen. The threads are Au ver a Soie silk nr. 943 and Black
It is so nice to do it.

Many greetings from Marion

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Colors - Színek

Please post your chosen fabric and color to help the other's decision.
I'm stitching on 18 ct aida with DMC 310 and 321.

Kérlek írjátok meg, hogy milyen anyagot és fonalat választottatok. Én 18 ct-os aidán kezdtem el DMC 310 and 321-el.

Friday, 15 February 2008

New to the blog

I look forward to working on this sampler. I'm addicted to them.

Thursday, 14 February 2008


Welcome to our new members! Thanks to LaGattaC we have (8) 15 new participants from around the world!
If you have troubles to post the picture of your work, you can send it to me, and I'll put it here.

Isten hozta a (8) 15 új résztvevőt! Ha nehézségetek lenne a képek felrakásával, küldjétek el nekem, szívesen feltöltöm.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Red-black / Piros-fekete

We will put the second pattern here in the middle of March. So you have one month to stitch the first. / A második részletet március közepén kapjuk. Egy hónap alatt kéne tehát befejezni az elsőt.
Here is a color sample for you, I like it! / Itt van az új piros-fekete mintakép. Nagyon szép!

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Part1 - Első részlet

Sorry for the delay. / Bocsánat a késésért.
Here is the first part in gif / Az elsó rész képként

Two colors variation / két színű változat

Three colors variation / három színű változat

Four colors variation / négy színű változat

Or you can download all the gif files in one

DOWNLOAD Part 1 gif

All in wxs / Minden wxs-ben

DOWNLOAD Part 1 wxs

Happy stitching / Jó munkát

Friday, 1 February 2008

Color codes - Szín kódok a tervezgetéshez

Hi everybody,
I am glad that our little team gathered together!
I want to give you the DMC color codes I’ve planned, but I have to say that I could see the result on the screen only! There are 3 or 4 colors in the variants, so you can vary them as you like.
The codes:
Brown variant: 780, 3853, 951
Wine-red variant: 3721, 223, 712
Green variant: (3347) 3346, 471, 834, ecru
Who would like to stitch the traditionally most used red-black coloration, should use red, black, or nothing instead of ecru.
We’ll put up the pattern in pdf and WXS too. In WXS it is possible to change the colors, worthy to test. You can download the Easy Cross demo program from the link below.

Nagyon örülök, hogy összejött egy kis csapat!
Leírom, a programban milyen DMC színeket használtam, de rögtön az elején azzal kezdem, hogy én csak képernyőn látom az eredményt!
3 vagy 4 szín van a változatokban, ez elég kevés ahhoz, hogy ízlés szerint lehet variálni.
Az általam használt színeket is érdemes alaposan megnézni a boltban, hogy eléggé hasonlít-e a virtuális kép színeihez.

A kódok:
BARNA: 780, 3853, 951
BORDÓ: 3721, 223, 712
ZÖLD: (3347) 3346, 471, 834, ECRUT

A piros - kék mintakendőnél is szerepel az ekrü.
Aki a leggyakoribb piros - fekete színezést szeretné, az ekrü helyett piros, fekete vagy semmi se legyen ...

WXS-ben is felrakjuk a mintát, abban lehet cserélgetni a színeket, érdemes kipróbálni.
Ehhez az Easy Cross demo program letölthető innen: